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Perineural Injection Therapy

A more recent addition to the field of acupuncture over the past decade or so is perineural injection. This technique – pioneered by the New Zealand physician Dr. John Lyftogt using skin injections of glucose along superficial nerve pathways to treat neuropathic pain- is again expanding the scope of acupuncture. PIT is remarkable in its efficiency and efficacy for treating longstanding neuropathic pain in the body, conditions ranging from sciatica, to tendinitis, to trigeminal neuralgia to tinnitus.

Male Pattern Baldness and Healthy Aging

We cannot stop hair loss anymore than we can stop the forward progression of time, for male pattern baldness like wrinkles, stooped spines, and gray hair are part of the aging process; however, traditional medicine has a lot to say in terms of healthy aging which can delay and arrest the balding process; and integrated with the more aggressive tools of modern medicine, some men even be able to regrow hair.

Extraordinary Acupuncture

If you are struggling with big life issues, consider adding extraordinary acupuncture to your holistic treatment plan. It activates the deepest parts of ourselves to work through the big questions of our lifetime such as: who am I? what is my purpose? how do I move on? where do I go from here?

Digesting Emotions

I had been treating a patient for pain of their lower leg and constipation. After just a month treatment, the pain was completely gone and the digestion was mostly normalized. I looked back to the original goals the patient had made when they started treatment to...

The Healing Power of Rhythm

Lemniscate symbol I sometimes field this question from patients whom are utilizing an array of therapies. They are grasping for an explanation linking each cause to its own effect. My succinct response is that: 'All the medicines are all working together." See, a...

Managing Uncertainty

It is a loaded question and one I struggle in answering when my prospective patients propose it. ‘Help with what? ‘ I think. Usually, the help relates to some discomforting symptoms. The honest answer is: ‘I don’t know’. The therapeutic relationship depends on so many...

Acupuncture May make you Cry

The other day after removing the needles from a patient suffering from low back pain she started sobbing. My first instinct was to be sure that the needles did not aggravate her back. “No, its fine….I just can’t stop crying…..” The experience reminded me to appreciate...

Pre-Allergy Season

The time to deal with your allergies naturally is now before the season commences. Your body is more easily able to come into balance through natural medicine before it is being stressed by the daily allergen. Read more for natural suggestions:

Buzzy Buddies

As the short month winds down, don’t forget about our buzzy friends. They concentrate all sort of natural products that can support our immune system: propalis, bee pollen, honey, and apis. So next time find your immune dragging think about natural apiary support.


The topic at hand is topicals, an underutilized medicinal application. We as a culture suffer from an oral fixation as if the only real form of medicine is swallowed. I suffered from the same biases that is until I worked with a patient who was able to stave off acute...

Salty Thoughts

Fueling your kidney and brain sense organs with the proper salt nutrition is essential. Most processed foods contain only one salt ‘table-salt’, chemically sodium chloride. The issue being that your body depends on hundreds of different salt compounds for proper functioning. – iodine for thyroid function, potassium for heart rhythm, calcium for muscle contraction, etc. Most naturally sourced salts contain necessary micronutrients in proper balance

Vacation cured my Digestion?

Ahhhhhhh, August! Time for vacations, porches, and…….ideal digestion. So many of my patient have remarked that their digestive issues disappear while on vacation. But Why?!?! While we can’t bottle up ‘vacation’ and serve it up 2x / day, this should inspire patients...

Mid-Summer Refreshment

Summer with its long hot days invite us to come out play. Take a vacation! Reconnect with relatives! Lounge in the park reading a novel! With increased exposure to the hot-hot sun, replenishment of nutrients and fluids becomes important, and sometimes water alone is...

Rethinking cholesterol standards

The prescribing of statins for elderly patients with high cholesterol had always caused me some hesitation. Statins block a key enzyme in the synthesis of cholesterol to lower both total cholesterol and ‘the bad guy’ LDL. I knew the dogma that high cholesterol is...

Natural Recovery from Vaccines

What is needed for vaccine recovery are therapies that do not shut down inflammation but help resolve it. Thuja is one such herb that studies have shown to be a potent resolven. Thuja comes from the North American cedar tree. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine as well as in homeopathy as vaccine prophylaxis. Medical studies verifying Thuja’s traditional uses. It is a potent anti-viral for respiratory viruses2, has comparable fever controlling capacities to aspirin3, while still increasing the cell- mediate immune response4. This means that Thuja helps control acute inflammation while boosting immune intelligence and resolution.

My Practice


710 Meetinghouse Rd,

Elkins Park, Pa, 19027

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Tuesday, Wednesday: 1pm – 7pm
Thursday: 1pm – 7pm