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Perineural Injection Therapy

A more recent addition to the field of acupuncture over the past decade or so is perineural injection. This technique – pioneered by the New Zealand physician Dr. John Lyftogt using skin injections of glucose along superficial nerve pathways to treat neuropathic pain- is again expanding the scope of acupuncture. PIT is remarkable in its efficiency and efficacy for treating longstanding neuropathic pain in the body, conditions ranging from sciatica, to tendinitis, to trigeminal neuralgia to tinnitus.

Extraordinary Acupuncture

If you are struggling with big life issues, consider adding extraordinary acupuncture to your holistic treatment plan. It activates the deepest parts of ourselves to work through the big questions of our lifetime such as: who am I? what is my purpose? how do I move on? where do I go from here?

Digesting Emotions

I had been treating a patient for pain of their lower leg and constipation. After just a month treatment, the pain was completely gone and the digestion was mostly normalized. I looked back to the original goals the patient had made when they started treatment to...

The Healing Power of Rhythm

Lemniscate symbol I sometimes field this question from patients whom are utilizing an array of therapies. They are grasping for an explanation linking each cause to its own effect. My succinct response is that: 'All the medicines are all working together." See, a...

Managing Uncertainty

It is a loaded question and one I struggle in answering when my prospective patients propose it. ‘Help with what? ‘ I think. Usually, the help relates to some discomforting symptoms. The honest answer is: ‘I don’t know’. The therapeutic relationship depends on so many...

More than Skin Deep

Chronic skin issues whatever their disease classification – acne, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or dandruff, or eczema – start inside of us, either due to a kidney or liver imbalance. The skin is an secondary elimination organ. Blemishes on the skin’s surface indicate that our primary elimination organs, our liver and kidney, are not functioning optimally.

Perineural Injection Therapy

A more recent addition to the field of acupuncture over the past decade or so is perineural injection. This technique – pioneered by the New Zealand physician Dr. John Lyftogt using skin injections of glucose along superficial nerve pathways to treat neuropathic pain- is again expanding the scope of acupuncture. PIT is remarkable in its efficiency and efficacy for treating longstanding neuropathic pain in the body, conditions ranging from sciatica, to tendinitis, to trigeminal neuralgia to tinnitus.

Extraordinary Acupuncture

If you are struggling with big life issues, consider adding extraordinary acupuncture to your holistic treatment plan. It activates the deepest parts of ourselves to work through the big questions of our lifetime such as: who am I? what is my purpose? how do I move on? where do I go from here?

Digesting Emotions

I had been treating a patient for pain of their lower leg and constipation. After just a month treatment, the pain was completely gone and the digestion was mostly normalized. I looked back to the original goals the patient had made when they started treatment to...

The Healing Power of Rhythm

Lemniscate symbol I sometimes field this question from patients whom are utilizing an array of therapies. They are grasping for an explanation linking each cause to its own effect. My succinct response is that: 'All the medicines are all working together." See, a...

Managing Uncertainty

It is a loaded question and one I struggle in answering when my prospective patients propose it. ‘Help with what? ‘ I think. Usually, the help relates to some discomforting symptoms. The honest answer is: ‘I don’t know’. The therapeutic relationship depends on so many...

More than Skin Deep

Chronic skin issues whatever their disease classification – acne, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or dandruff, or eczema – start inside of us, either due to a kidney or liver imbalance. The skin is an secondary elimination organ. Blemishes on the skin’s surface indicate that our primary elimination organs, our liver and kidney, are not functioning optimally.

Shoe Shopping!

Why does Dr. B want to take you shoe shopping? Because structural imbalances start in your feet. Shoes are the most important piece of clothing promoting orthopedic health. Read more for how to find that Cinderella fit.

Heat or Ice for Injury?

One article will tell you heat and one article will tell you ice. After googling a bit, you may end up more confused than empowered. Heat and ice are good therapeutically but are great together. Read blog how to use hydrotherapy locally for injuries and systemically to improve overall health.

Acupuncture May make you Cry

The other day after removing the needles from a patient suffering from low back pain she started sobbing. My first instinct was to be sure that the needles did not aggravate her back. “No, its fine….I just can’t stop crying…..” The experience reminded me to appreciate...

My Practice


710 Meetinghouse Rd,

Elkins Park, Pa, 19027

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Tuesday, Wednesday: 1pm – 7pm
Thursday: 1pm – 7pm