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Skin issues though not life threatening*, often feel that way. Because they are the face we show the world or the hands with which we hold one another, our skin blemishes display imperfection and therefore affect us mentally and emotionally beyond their physical symptoms.

Believe it or not, your body is self-preserving pushing the imbalance out to the skin. Inflammation deep in the nervous or cardiac system is much more damaging than out on the skin. Covering up with creams may “save face” but it will not lead to lasting resolution. Healing chronic skin issues asks us look within for the source.

Chronic skin issues whatever their disease classification – acne, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or dandruff, or eczema – start inside of us, either due to a kidney or liver imbalance. The skin is an secondary elimination organ. Blemishes on the skin’s surface indicate that our primary elimination organs, our liver and kidney, are not functioning optimally.

abdominal organs

Liver or Kidney? Abdomen or Pelvis?

Our liver is the master organ of our abdomen, the center of digestion. When it is not functioning optimally, we do not fully digest our food. Their foreign antibodies leak into our blood stream resulting in an immune reaction. We call these food intolerances leaky gut. They produce chronic inflammation that is released through the skin.

Our kidney is the master organ of our pelvis. It is responsible for regulating our reproductive hormones as well as our internal emotional landscape. The kidneys are a highly innervated sensitive organ anyone knows who has unfortunately experienced a “kidney punch.”

So, if the eczema appears related to food it is more likely liver based, but if it is more related to emotions, menstrual cycle, or puberty it is more likely kidney based.


Treatment Ideas

Allow 1-2 months to evaluate efficacy of treatments. Detox treatments take time and can sometimes get a little worse before getting better. The first sign you should notice that you are on the path to health is an increase in energy.



  • Liver – Cardio exercise increases digestive secretions
  • Kidney – yoga or meditation mindfulness will support emotional equilibrium

Herbal Detox


If the eczema appears digestive based focus on the kidneys and if it appears based on sex hormones / emotions focus on the kidneys. These are the two most common ‘types’ of eczema and is a wonderful place to start, but if you are not getting the results you desire from these home practices, seek out support of a holistic medical professional for further individual guidance.

*The main exception to skin issues not being serious is cancer. Should you have new suspicious lesion that is not going away, please get it checked out by a dermatologist.